We had Vacation Bible School at our church this week. It was a lot of fun. I was a leader for the 9 and 10 year old kids. We averaged over 30 kids in that age group everyday. I think we usually had between 170 and 180 kids total everyday. This was my first year helping with VBS at our church. When I was a teenager I used to help at VBS at the church that I attended. Steve helps with VBS every year since he is on staff at our church. Usually he helps with games but this year he mostly took pictures. He did help with games a little bit though. This was B's first year in VBS as well. The program is for kids 5-12 years old. She is not quite 5 yet but she will be in less than a month so they said that she could take part in it this year. I think she really enjoyed it. She is always walking around the house singing the songs that we did and if she's not singing she's talking about what she did at VBS. My little sister also went and she really seemed to like it. She made a few new friends but she's kind of bummed because she won't have much of a chance to get to know them because she is leaving for India soon.
I got to meet some very sweet kids this week. I hope that I was a good witness to each one of them and that I was able to help them enjoy their time at VBS. It was a lot of fun to be there helping but I am glad that it is over. It is very tiring.
I got to meet some very sweet kids this week. I hope that I was a good witness to each one of them and that I was able to help them enjoy their time at VBS. It was a lot of fun to be there helping but I am glad that it is over. It is very tiring.
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